Place of Birth
Chatham, Illinois
Place of Death
Kingsport, Tennessee
Burial Place
Beaufort National Cemetery in South Carolina
Charles Vance Claybourn was born on 10 November 1921 in Chatham, Illinois. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II and was an electrician’s mate, 2nd class. He ultimately achieved the rank of Chief Warrant Officer Four. He was taken prisoner on Corregidor Island in the Philippines during World War II in 1942. He was held at Davao Penal Colony #502. Those who survived endured torture, beatings, forced labor, illness, and near starvation. Charles, along with 750 others from the Davao camp, were marched shoeless onto a ship called the Shinyo Maru and placed in its holds. The Allies intercepted a message about the ship and, thinking it was carrying enemy soldiers, fired torpedoes on it.
The torpedoes caused two massive explosions and massive pieces of the ship to crash down from above. Dust filled the air and bleeding men law all over each other in mangled positions with arms, legs, and bodies broken. Strewn across the deck were mangled bodies of prisoners and Japanese guards. The War Department later com-mended Charles for “great presence of mind” for immediately establishing order among survivors.1War Department, General Orders No. 8 (February 7, 1945). After lifting a heavy steel beam which had pinned down one man he led the stunned group toward the hatch opening. Japanese guards, realizing the prisoners’ attempt to escape, opened fire on the men with submachine guns. The War Department recounted Charles Claybourn’s actions that day:
“Met by a withering hail of rifle fire from frenzied enemy guards on the deck of the rapidly sinking ship, Seaman First Class Claybourn instead of seeking escape undauntedly and courageously braved the fire unarmed in an effort to lead his group to safety. Evading every desperate measure of the frantic enemy to prevent him from rescuing his comrades, he conducted the wounded men to the side of the ship and remained until all had leaped into the water. While maddened enemy soldiers continued to fire on the defenseless and floundering men, he swam about with complete disregard for his life, helping the injured to keep afloat, pushing them toward floating timbers or bits of debris, shouting encouragement, and guiding the survivors shoreward. At length, despite utter physical exhaustion, he succeeded in bringing the group to shore, where they were assisted by Filipino guerrillas and ultimately returned to our forces. Seaman First Class Claybourn’s daring leadership, complete fearlessness, and intrepidity in repeatedly risking his life to aid his companions were responsible for saving many lives and were an inspiration to his stricken comrades.”
Of almost 800 Allied prisoners of war, 687 were killed. Fifteen or twenty prisoners were recaptured by the Japanese and taken aboard one of the torpedo boats, where they were executed by firing squad as punishment for trying to escape. Eighty-three Americans, including Charles, survived the blast and subsequent shooting from the Japanese and swam to the shores of Sindangan Bay. There they received aid from friendly Filipino guerrillas and were later picked up by an American submarine.
Charles received the Distinguished Service Cross and two Oak Leaf Clusters for his service. He was one of the very few members of the Navy to earn the Distinguished Service Cross in World War II, and what makes his award even rarer is the fact that very few high awards were earned for actions by an individual being held as pris-oner of war.
The Saturday Evening Post carried a short squib about him written by Lt. Gail M. Raphael. After the survivors reached Brisbane, Australia, they discovered they had two years back pay coming to them and felt a lively urge to throw a party. Thirty five Americans, joined by several Aussies convalescing in the area, decided to spend their unexpected wealth on a real celebration. The story goes on:
“But their plan hit an early snag. No place could be found in which to stage it. Party-wise hotel managers shook their heads sadly. No space available for such a gathering, they said, no space at all. The war, you know.
“And then one night shortly before their departure, they got a break. They met a stranger who didn’t merely manage a hotel, he owned one. Furthermore, he was anxious to sell it. The price was 900 pounds, or about $3600. Divided among more than 40 boys, less than $90 each.
“So they bought the hotel, and the party lasted for three nights and two days. On the morning of the third day, the boys emerged, tired and triumphant, but a little puzzled as to what to do with their hotel now.
“They were standing in front of it in a group when a very pretty blonde started up the block in their direction. They looked at her, then at one another, then nodded solemnly.
“As she came up to them, the first man’s arms closed around her. He planted a resounding kiss on her cheek and passed her on to the next. One by one, before she could protest, each man gave her a similar token of admiration. And when they were all through, THEY GAVE HER THE HOTEL.”
Charles married Genevieve Isabelle Martin on 22 September 1945 in Philadelphia. She served as a Storekeeper Second Class in the U.S. Navy from September 1944 to February 1946.2Genevieve Martin was born on 5 June 1924 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, as the daughter of F. Kendrick Martin of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. After World War II Charles and Genevieve settled in Kingsport, Tennessee, and had the five children listed below. Charles was a sales manager of a factory which manufactured one-way opaque glass. Charles died 15 November 1986, and Genevieve passed away on 13 February 1992. Both are buried at Beaufort National Cemetery in South Carolina.
- Charles Lance Claybourn was born on 13 July 1946. He spent his youth traveling as a Navy dependent and those travels ended in Kingsport, Tennessee, and thereafter called that home. He graduated from Holston High School and attended East Tennessee State University for a short time following. In January 1964, at the age of seventeen, Charles enlisted in the United States Navy and during his thirty-three year career he served aboard nine ships and visited eighty-nine countries. He saw action in four theatres: Vietnam, Desert Shield/Desert Storm, Bosnia, and Somalia. Other duty stations included the Pentagon, the Bureau of Naval Personnel, and Officer in Charge of Naval Personnel at Marine Corps Base Quantico. Charles spent his last eight years in Norfolk and Virginia Beach, Virginia, serving as command master chief aboard three ships, Squadron Master Chief Naval Amphibious Squadron 10, and Group Master Chief Naval Amphibious Group 2. His counsel and leadership throughout his Naval service helped mold innumerable sailors and junior officers on their respective career paths and was highly respected by officers and enlisted alike. He was long considered a “sailor’s sailor” and was referenced by many as their “Sea Daddy.” The best which can be said about his life as a sailor is that it was full of “Blood and Swash” and salt water ran in his veins. He married (1st) Mary F. Waters on 17 February 1969. They had one child, Jason, listed below. He and Mary divorced in 1973. Charles married (2nd) on 15 July 1978 to Delores R. Trostle, a chief yeoman in the U.S. Navy. They had twins, Charles and Stephanie, listed below. Charles and Delores divorced on 11 December 1997. Charles married (3rd) Mary Seward Kelly on 13 July 1998. After retiring from the Navy in October 1996, Master Chief Claybourn was employed by American Veterans (AMVETS) as a National Service Officer at the Veterans Administration Regional Office in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, in which he assisted veterans, widows, and families with various claims through the Department of Veteran Affairs. He traveled throughout North Carolina doing pre and post deployment briefs to National Guard and Reserve Units in order to educate troops as to the benefits which may be available. In addition, he worked closely with the United Way, Experiment in Self Reliance, along with local and national elected officials to keep veterans issues at the forefront. Charles retired in April 2007, but remained active in advising veterans with claims concerning the VA. He spearheaded the resurrection of the Forsyth County Veterans Council, reinstated the Winston-Salem Veterans Day Parade and remained at its forefront for fifteen years. He was also active in many Veterans Organizations. Charles died on 22 January 2016 and was buried at sea.
- Charles Jason Claybourn (known as “Jason”) was born in 1970. He married Shayne Carlton on 15 September 1990 in Fairfield County, Ohio, and had two children: Trent Carlton Claybourn (born 25 January 1990 in Stewart, Florida) and Tyler Alexander Claybourn (born 6 October 1992 in Ft. Campbell, Kentucky). Charles and Shayne later divorced.
- Stephanie Leigh Claybourn was born on 31 October 1981 in Honolulu, Hawaii. She married Robert Harry Drumm III on 12 August 2006 and they had three children: (a) Aiden James Drumm (born 6 April 2007), (b) Caleb Joseph Drumm (born 12 June 2009), and (c) Ethan Jacob Drumm (born 1 October 2016).
- Charles William Claybourn was born on 1 November 1981 in Honolulu, Ha-waii. He graduated from West Forsyth High School and attended Daytona State College. He served in the U.S. Army from 2005 to 2009. Charles married Tina M. Duncan on 27 June 2009 and together they had Kaydence Abigail Claybourn (born 12 June 2008). Charles and Tina divorced on 20 October 2014 and he later married Helen Elaine Stouffer on 12 December 2015. Helen had two children from a prior marriage: Destiny Marie Lay (born 15 June 2001) and Ezequiel Zachariah Lay (born 17 September 2005).
- Suzanne Marie Claybourn (known as “Penny”) was born in 1948. She married George Everett Hutcheson in February of 1967. They had one child, Steven, listed below. Suzanne married (2nd) Edward Upp in October of 1971. He was a glass pattern and mold maker. She and Edward had one child, Jeremiah, listed below.
- Steven Vincent Hutcheson was born on 16 November 1967 to Suzanne and George Hutcheson. He had one son, Tyler Steven Hutcheson (born on 30 November 1999).
- Jeremiah David Upp was born on 27 February 1974 to Suzanne and Edward Upp. Jeremiah married Stacy Marie Rowley on 23 June 2007. Jeremiah and Stacy have a son, Bridger William Upp, born on 7 September 2010. Their daughter, Annika Louise Upp, was born on 3 May 2012.
- Steven Lynn Claybourn was born on 11 April 1949. He attended Holston High School in Blountville, Tennessee, and Ohio University. He married (1st) to Patricia Grigsby on 4 May 1972 in Fairfield County, Ohio, but they later divorced on 12 April 1976. On 24 February 1990 he married Joan Williams in Hamilton County, Ohio, and together they had two children, listed below. Steve worked with various telecommunications companies from 1987 to 2002. Thereafter he formed Masea Motorsports LLC and operated it as president until he sold it to employees in 2007. He and his family resided near Cincinnati, Ohio. Following his retirement, Steve found his true passion, Bushy Creek Reserve, a non-profit to help veterans and First Responders that have been scarred by emotional trauma through equine therapy. His love and respect for horses and the power they can have over emotional well-being and repair was deep. Steve died on 21 August 2022 after a battle with Pulmonary Fibrosis.
- Andrew Claybourn was born on 22 July 1991. He studied at Mississippi State University and married Brittney Fey on 8 July 2017. They had a son, Gunner Daniel Claybourn, born on 21 November 2017.
- Hannah Claybourn was born on 7 December 1993.
- David Mark Claybourn was born in 1950 and worked as a quality assurance engineer, specializing in nuclear fuel and fossil power plants. He lived in Palacios, Texas.
- Anne Michelle Claybourn (known as “Michelle”) was born on 29 March 1956. She married Wayne A. Scott, a warehouse foreman. They had three children, listed below, and later divorced on 7 February 2005. Michelle worked for the U.S. Department of State and due to this her family moved around between the Philippines, Bolivia, Italy, and Morocco. Later she worked for the Drug Enforcement Administration.
- Jessica Laurel Scott was born in 1977 in Lancaster, Ohio. She graduated from Lancaster High School in 1996 and Ohio University in 2001 with a degree in special education. She married Justin P. Lape on 14 July 2001 in Fairfield County, Ohio.
- Amanda N. Scott was born in 1982. She married George A. O’Dell on 4 May 2002 in Fairfield County, Ohio.
- Shannon Scott was born on 27 June 1984. She graduated from Lancaster High School and then obtained a degree in business and religion from Ohio Christian University. She had two children.
- 1War Department, General Orders No. 8 (February 7, 1945).
- 2Genevieve Martin was born on 5 June 1924 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, as the daughter of F. Kendrick Martin of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Charles Vance Claybourn
(1921 - 1986)