November 13, 2008
The Barack Obama Connection
It’s been said that if you go back far enough in your genealogy, everyone on the planet is related. Of course, that’s true, but 99.99% of the time you have to go back further than records allow. For the Claybourn family and President-elect Barack Obama, that is not a concern. We have been able to determine that, through marriage, all Claybourns are related to the 44th President of the United States.
James Verner Marvin Claybourn (known simply as “Vern”) had a daughter named Mary Adelais. She married a Herbert Edward Allred. Herbert is a direct descendant John Allred, who was born in 1772 in Richmond County, North Carolina and died in 1850 in Newton County, Arkansas. This John Allred is also a direct ancestor (on his maternal grandmother’s side) of Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States.